All of our customers are extremely essential to us, which is why Quiktap has created the following Refund Policy to explain how we handle refunds for products ordered and purchased on our website
Some of the items may be returned and refunded within one day of delivery. You have the right, without providing a reason, to return such goods if they have not been used, damaged, or their appearance has not been materially altered, that is, the product or its packaging has been altered only to the extent necessary to inspect the goods received.
The ability to withdraw from a distance contract within one day and without giving a reason does not apply to legal entities (such as corporations and business owners).
See the section on Exceptions for details on which items are not eligible for a refund.
This return policy does not limit your statutory right to cancel or your rights in relation to incorrect, damaged, or defective goods.
Typical Returns
Any items You desire to return must be in their original packaging, unopened, and in resalable condition. If the returned Goods do not comply with these conditions, we cannot issue a refund.
If the item is not subject to an Exception, the refund request must be submitted within one day of delivery.
To initiate the return and refund process, please contact Support; they will guide you through the steps and provide assistance.
In the event of a product return, you are responsible for paying the return shipping costs.
You must exercise your return right responsibly and return the product in its original, pristine packaging, along with all of its components. You are responsible for the total quantity of returned items. If the returned products are incomplete, we will be unable to accept them and issue a refund.
Once the Goods have been received and inspected by our staff, a refund will be issued via the original payment method. Depending on your financial institution, refunds may take up to fourteen days to post to the original payment method. In all cases we have the right to suspend the refund until the products are received back and inspected.
If You do not comply with our Return policy's deadlines, we will be unable to issue a refund.
Your right to return quality items purchased from an online retailer does not apply to the following:
Merchandise that has been personalized for the customer (i.e. no NFC cards, labels, tags, or other physical media may be returned), nor may discounted items be returned.
Goods With Defects
You may be required to provide evidence of the issue, such as a photo or video, or return the item in order to receive a refund for defective, damaged, or incorrect merchandise.
You will be responsible for paying the return shipping costs if You are required to return the products to us.
The items must be returned in their original packaging (along with any included instructions and/or warranty certificate).
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